
jeudi 26 mars 2015

Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0f [Windows] 25/01/2015

Tennis Elbow is a series of tennis video games developed by France-based firm ManaGames. It's first version was released in 1994 and it is currently on its 2015 version. Currently, it is available for both Mac and PC. The game is licensed to use real tennis players' names, a feature lacking in many other games.

Website : 

Tennis Elbow 2013 v1.0f is released (Build 113-2015.1.25) :
http://www.managames.com/download.php?TE2013_fe10f.exe ~40MB [Permanent direct download link to the latest version]
http://toogame.free.fr/Files/TennisElbow2013.exe [Mirror site for people having corrupted download from managames.com - but not up to date all the time]

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